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- Experience -
Game Designer
Owl Games Studio

3 Months
QA Tester / Intership
Eugen Systems

My experience as a QA at Eugen Systems allowed me to cultivate the necessary rigor to ensure the highest quality of games such as Steel Division 2, and notably Warno.
I maintained a consistent pace to guarantee major releases frequently, alongside numerous updates, while preparing upcoming features in collaboration with the development team.
Tasks including version preparation, patch logs, bug reporting, and regression testing were part of my daily routine.
I also participated in the testing of new features, maps and game mode, providing valuable feedback to tune the gameplay balancing and overall quality.
At the heart of production, I closely collaborated with various studio members to analyze, find solutions, ensure seamless integration, and even refine the gameplay experience to in the end green lit the version and send it to the players.
Additionally, I engaged with the gaming community and international users, addressing player issues and utilizing that feedback to enhance the game.
4 Months
Game Designer / Programmer / Intership
Freesphere Entertainement

I joined the team for a few months to define the direction and gameplay elements of "Revenant", a horror game set in daytime.
I created documents to define clearly with the team the mechanics needed (mainly interactable systems, consumables, menus and the notes system) and their behaviors as well as some data sheets to facilitate the production and integartion process.
I also helped the team to come up with interesting puzzles and gameplay scenarios for our ideas.
Additionally, I scripted special events for the player and developed mechanics such as interactive and physics-based objects to deepen the gameplay and enhance immersion
4 Workshops
Game Design advisor

I came to help students bring their game concepts to life by organizing brainstorms, questioning their scope and gameplay ideas, putting them in the right direction and giving them game references to inspire them.
3 Years
Game Designer / Director / Programmer
LISAA Game Design

For 3 years I participated in many projects, from conception up to production. Working as a game designer, level designer, ui designer, programmer and even director, I created documents,(GDD, Data tables, balancing,...) developped prototypes and brainstormed with my team.
I lead teams in long projects or worked on smaller specific tasks.
I participated in many game jams, adapting myself to different working conditions and game genres.
4 Years
Host for events
Florence Doré

Working at Florence Doré for multiple missions led me to learn how to be flexible and be ready to adapt myself to different situations and workmates. Other qualities I learned were seriousness and how to explain ideas, directions or even software to strangers. It even made me learn UX and "level" design basics.
4 Months
Order Picker
Chrono Drive

This first job made me realise how working in an enterprise works as well as the importance of rigor, teamwork and working properly under short deadlines
14 Years
Stage Actor
Théâtre du Caboulot

Practicing acting for 14 years really opened me up as an individual and made me able to talk to an audience with great communication skills, participate in brainstorms efficiently and how to be a good member of a team overall. I not only practiced acting but also helped create experiences made for spectators. I even played in and helped to develop an escape game like experience.
- Education -
3 Years
Student / Game Designer
LISAA Game Design

Learning game design at LISAA for 3 years initiated me multiple tools to concretely work on games, like visual scripting on Unity and Unreal, 3D modeling with 3DS MAX or how to realize good documentation (GDD, Data table, Balancing,...) to build the best game possible.
Analytical skills too, to analyze and develop game concepts and present them to a team.
Level design as well as UX allowed me to put more logic and meaning in the structure of my ideas. It also helped me learn how to work with groups, either as a member or leader, to solve problems, organize the development of a long project or short ones like the many game jams I participated in.
3 Years
Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne University Plastic Arts

I studied different types of artistic practices as well as art history for 3 years, it helped me develop a visual sensibility and skills that I still use in my works. It made me able to work efficiently with artists on game projects and share my ideas with more clarity in my documents
3 Years
High school Jean-Baptiste Corot

During high school I studied literature and specialised in platic arts as well as acting. It allowed me to develop realtions with artistic practices and tools that I still use today (Photoshop, Clip studio,...)
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